Sep 28, 2012

EoT: Guns, Origami, Parties and God

Each week, Eyes on Texas looks at the media’s worldview of the state.

Fresh Air’s Dave Davies talks to Robert Draper about the state’s Congressional redistricting. Texas isn’t the only state with funny-shaped districts, they say, but it’s the largest and most imaginative, including the 27th District’s “Glock pistol.” Draper wrote about redistricting in The Atlantic.

The Los Angeles Times reports on the world’s worst hiccup cure, which left a Fort Hood solider dead.

The Christian Science Monitor travels to Springtown, north of Fort Worth, to report on a high school’s controversial corporal punishment techniques, which one outraged parent said gives Texas a “black eye.”

NBC looks at how the University of Texas is luring math and engineering majors from science and into public education with “brightly colored safety scissors” and origami helicopters.

Playboy placed two Texas universities among its top 10 party schools: Texas at No. 4 and Texas Christian at No. 9 (Virginia was No. 1). Southern Methodist was ranked at the top for nightlife.

We could write a clever lead-in, but we’ll let this Jezebel headline speak for itself: “Bible-Toting High School Cheerleaders Continue Futile Quest to Get God to Care About Football.”